A recommendation above and beyond

Fast Solution, and therefore myself, might have had the best week yet of our four plus year existence, last week.  It started with a startled caller, which might not sound too good, but hopefully once you read on you will agree with me.

I have been trying to warn anyone that will listen recently about the phone scams that are continuously getting worse, prompting the person who answers to allow a “Microsoft technician” to gain access to their computer to remove a virus.  They aren’t just preying on the elderly any more, they have targeted anyone and everyone.  Basically the scam is they will take you into a part of your computer that will be laced with computer jargon, get you to read it back, and then confirm it is a virus.  However, on the 4 calls that I have received I have found that they taking you into an area that exists on any computer, and what they refer to as a virus is just plain text….no threat.  From there they get you to allow them to remotely access your computer, they install a free virus scanner, and get your credit card information while they charge you $140+ dollars for doing nothing.

A customer called me this week after this exact call had happened to her.  She explained what they did and how she was terrified that her identity, all of her passwords, credit card and banking information might be compromised.  Wisely, she immediately cancelled her credit cards and got her bank to put a message on her account looking out for strange activity.  And as an extra precaution, she called the anti-fraud unit of the police.  This department took some information but then transferred her to Barrie police.  She of course went over her dilemma and the officer on the other end of the phone said this “you know, you should call Fast Solution, because they can check out your computer to put your mind at ease…they are the best in Barrie”.  When she told me this I was floored.  Being recommended by the police as the go-to company to help people fight this scam and to help people secure their computer was a HUGE honour.  It turns out that the officer is a customer as well as several others in the Barrie police station, but we were unaware of their professions.

I still am waiting for the smile to leave my face after hearing this news, because this was a definite goal of mine in the computer industry.  We strive to protect people, and make them aware of the dangers that lurk in cyberspace etc..  If you have someone who you think could use our service, or if you just care enough about someone who you want them protected, send them this blog, or share it on Facebook so they can get our updates.  It won’t cost them anything, and it may just save their identity….and if you don’t believe me, ask the Barrie Police!!

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